How to start reading the Bible
The biggest obstacle I see with new people trying to learn about God, is reading the Bible. The Bible is the living word of God and the story of salvation through our lord and savior Jesus Christ the only begotten son of God. First things first, how should you read the Bible?
The catechism states this:
“In order to discover the sacred authors intention, the reader must take into account the conditions of their time and culture, the literary genres in use at that time, and the modes of feeling, speaking, and narrating then current. “For the fact is that truth is differently presented and expressed in the various types of historical writing, in prophetical and poetical texts, and in other forms of literary expression.”* - Sacred Scripture, CCC 110”
The Bible is to be read in its entirety with Christ in mind. Pope Benedict XVI said in his book (‘In The Beginning…’ A Catholic understanding of the story of creation and the fall)
“The ancient church and the church of the Middle Ages also knew this. They knew that the Bible is a whole and that we understand its truth when we understand it with Christ in mind”
John 1 references Genesis 1 stating that Jesus is the word of God made flesh, knowing that all things were created through Jesus as John 1:3 states. If you don’t know the story of creation and the fall then go read Genesis first, but I personally recommend starting with the 4 Gospels. I think by learning about Jesus, his teachings, the crucifixion, and the resurrection you come to understand the message of the Bible which is our lord Jesus Christ. Being a Christian means to be a follower of Jesus Christ so all Christians or aspiring Christians should start first with learning about Jesus. I personally say to continue on with the whole New Testament then follow it up with the Old Testament. Once you’ve read the Good news of Jesus Christ, the Old Testament starts to make more sense as it all points to the coming of Jesus. The gospels are filled with Old Testament references and prophecies being fulfilled that will really stand out once you’ve read the Gospels. You can also start at the beginning and work your way through and catch the references throughout the Gospels. No matter which way you choose to read, it will still tell the perfect story of Salvation through Jesus Christ. Be aware that there’s a lot more books in the Old Testament and could take awhile to get to the coming of Jesus. Whichever way you choose to read the Bible is going to be great as long as you’re in the Word of God and you’re seeking truth with your whole heart and mind.
A Bible plan that I’ve done with people wanting to read the Bible is 1 chapter of a gospel and 1 chapter of Genesis a day to build up a routine of daily reading and keep a 1:1 ratio of New Testament and Old Testament. By doing this plan you have time to meditate and reflect on the chapters that you’ve read throughout the day.
A great study Bible can be a great tool to anyone wanting to understand the sacred scriptures. I highly recommend the Ignatius New Testament study Bible by Dr. Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch or the Ascension App which features a Bible with commentary along with the catechism. For an audio experience with commentary I recommend the Bible in a year podcast by FR. Mike Schmitz on the Ascension app.